Safety Rules
- Wearing of any jewelry (rings. necklaces, watches, hair clips, body piercing ornaments, etc.) is a danger to you and others and is not permitted during practice.
- Fingernails and toenails must be kept trimmed short at all times.
- Horseplay, bravado, or testing of strength is not permitted or tolerated.
- When the Sensei (instructor) claps twice, you must stop practicing immediately and listen for directions.
- Students must stretch and warm up individually for at least five minutes prior to class (please arrive early).
- Students who arrive late should stretch and warm up off the mat and wait until they are invited to join the class by the Sensei.
- When rolling or falling please get up immediately. Lying down on the mat is not permitted.
- Students must sit correctly during classes (either in seiza or with crossed legs). Sitting with legs outstretched or leaning against a wall is considered lazy and disrespectful.
- There is to be no open or freestyle practice without the supervision of the Sensei or an experienced Sempai (senior student).
- It is everyone's responsibility to practice zenshin (continuous awareness) at all times to prevent accidents and injury.
- If you should sustain an injury, stop practicing and report it to the Sensei immediately.
These rules are for everyone's safety and must be followed at all times!